Orbiter processing facility
Orbiter processing facility

orbiter processing facility

Consequently, it has been selected as a primary onshore staging site for the support of offshore exploration and development. Icy Bay is the only sheltered bay near many of the offshore tracts leased for petroleum exploration in the 1976 northern Gulf of Alaska OCS (Outer Continental Shelf) lease sale. An example of the relation between coastal processes and a proposed resource treatment facility is presented for Icy Bay, Alaska. Site-specific evaluation-s considering the broad range of possible processes must precede initiation of development. All types of coastal processes from continuously active normal processes to the low frequency-high intensity rare event must be considered.

orbiter processing facility

caution must be exercised in site selection for facilities to be emplaced in the coastal zone. Because of this dynamic nature, special consideration must be made in planning for development, and. The coastline of Alaska is dynamic and continually readjusting to changes in the many processes that operate in the coastal zone. Impact of coastal processes on resource development with an example from Icy Bay, Alaska

#Orbiter processing facility verification#

The cleaning and inspection verification required to achieve the desired cleanliness level on a variety of PLB surface types are examined. The payload bay (PLB) must sustain the cleanliness level required for the specific Orbiter's mission the three levels of clean are defined as: (1) standard, (2) sensitive, and (3) high sensitive. The methods used to maintain the payload changeout room at a level of visually clean, no particulates are to be detected by the unaided eye, are described. Additional modifications to the OPF to improve contamination control are discussed. The monitoring and controlling of the temperature, relative humidity, and air quality in the OPF are examined. The clean level required in the OPF is generally clean, which means no residue, dirt, debris, or other extraneous contamination various methods of maintaining this level of cleanliness are described. Environmental monitoring of the orbiter payload bay and Orbiter Processing FacilitiesĬontamination control in the Orbiter Processing Facility (OPF) is studied.

Orbiter processing facility