Guitar hero live sucks
Guitar hero live sucks

guitar hero live sucks

It’s a lot more intense than the old five colour system. 3 upper and 3 lower sounds simple, but you’ve got to remember that not only can the notes be both upper and lower at the same time, but a strum can be made up of both upper and lower notes combined together (or completely open). I’ve been playing it and it’s not as casual as it sounds.

guitar hero live sucks

I don’t think it’s a decision made strictly for the kids.

guitar hero live sucks

It’s like mapping the trigger on the A button in a FPS game, you can get used to aiming with the right stick then quickly flipping over to the face buttons to fire but it’s not really a difficulty increase as much as just annoying the player. I could (can?) play on Expert in the previous games but I felt like the fifth fret was a really bad way to amp up the difficulty. I’ve always considered Guitar Hero/Rock Band instrument playing to be a unique but totally valid skill that mirrors the appearance of playing guitar, so for me it’s not really about being closer, but the new guitar seems both closer and more practical. This has a very simplified but ultimately similar motion to switching strings. Guitar Hero/Rock Band five fret guitars had this janky wrist movement that was nothing like the exaggerated sliding people picture guitarists using non-stop. It’s weird that people just don’t seem to get this from the promotional material. While I’m a big fan of the “traditional” plastic guitar controller and its five coloured buttons, as an incredibly amateur guitarist I am far more used to my fingers moving sideways across the stings rather than up and down.

Guitar hero live sucks